Do you need a Project Manager to join your company’s team? Here is a Free Project Manager job description that you can use to help your company find the ideal candidate for your open position. Use this Project Manager template and enhance it to meet your company’s expectations and requirements. Your job description holds a significant factor in making sure you are hiring properly and effectively. Make sure you are writing a good job description that draws the attention of your ideal candidate.
A project manager is a person in charge of coordinating and overseeing a company’s projects. They are responsible for assigning deadlines, tracking progress, solving problems during or after the process, budgeting resources to complete projects on time and within any given cost constraints, communicating among all stakeholders involved with the project (including clients), and reporting back to the company leadership.
A project manager is expected to make decisions or provide feedback about all aspects of the process, no matter how small they may seem at first glance. They will be on call 24/seven during a given time frame and must always answer questions from those involved with their projects in real-time.
We seek a Project Manager with prior experience working within our team to effectively manage client projects and accomplish project objectives within the budget and time allotment.
A typical workday in a project manager’s life consists of planning, organizing, and directing specific projects for a company while supervising that projects are completed on time, on budget, and done within the project scope.
If you are hiring a Project Manager, these questions can help narrow options until you find the ideal candidate:
Typically Project managers often have a bachelor’s degree in management, business, or a related field. Some individuals also have a professional certification or have related experience.
Based on the job and the experience, the range will vary quite a bit. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, project managers’ median income in 2019 was $43.27/hour or $90,000 a year. The job market for a project manager over the next ten years looks to grow by 8%. Compensation and pay can vary based on your local city and state.