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Free Employee Write Up Template

Free Employee Write Up Template

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

Employee Write Up Template

No one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but when incidents happen in the workplace, it’s essential to take action. An Employee Write-Up Form is a great way to document offenses and maintain accurate records of what happened. This form is also an opportunity to communicate with your employees about what occurred and why their actions were unacceptable. By taking this step, you can help prevent future incidents from happening.

What is it?

An Employee Write-Up Form is a tool that an employer can use to document an offense or multiple offenses of an employee. Using this form will help keep an accurate record of problematic incidents that have occurred in the workplace. Filling out this form and discussing the offense with the employee is a chance to communicate clearly with them about what happened and why their Action is unacceptable. The employee has an opportunity to clarify, understand, and agree to the way it is described on the form.

As an employer, it is vital to keep a record of employee infractions. Having a way to document a history of offenses is a good start if an employee has received multiple warnings or if termination is necessary. Many times after an employee is terminated, a dispute will arise where legal matters get involved. An employee write-up form is one of the most effective ways to accurately reflect the former employee’s infractions.

Why Use an Employee Write-Up Form?

An Employee Write-Up Form documents an employee’s offense so that you have a clear record of what happened. This is important for a few reasons:

How to Use It

When filling out the form with your employee, use fact-based language. Describe precisely what was said or done without embellishing. Be objective in how you write about the offense. Use detail in describing an incident. Facts are more complex to dispute than emotional descriptions.

If you decide to use an Employee Write-Up Form, there are a few steps you should take:

  1. Fill out the form completely, including all relevant details about the incident.
  2. Meet with the employee to discuss the incident and give them a chance to explain their side of the story.
  3. If necessary, revise the form based on what the employee tells you.
  4. Have the employee sign and date the form to indicate that they agree with what is written on it.
  5. Keep the form on file in case you need to refer back to it at a later date.
  6. Follow up with the employee after some time to see if they have improved their behavior.
  7. Take additional action if necessary (such as suspending or terminating the employee).

Moving Forward

A Write-Up Form can be a chance to improve an employee’s performance. Once they have understood and discussed the offense, help them create a strategy of improvement. Ask questions that will help them correct their behavior, and suggest a way to divert that behavior in the future. Once you have gone through the form with them and they have signed it, lend encouragement. Express appreciation for their work and convey your desire for them to elevate their work performance. Let them know you’re available to discuss and help with the improvement strategies laid out on the form anytime they’re in need.

Before Employee Write Up forms became common, many employers would resort to quick termination. In today’s workforce, using this tool as a form of warning and communication can help with employee turnover. An employer will save the cost and time lost from training a new employee.

Here’s a list of common reasons to use an Employee Write-Up Form:

  • Excessive Absences
  • Excessive Tardiness
  • Leaving from work early too often
  • Poor conduct toward a co-worker or customer
  • Violation of company policies
  • Violation of safety policies
  • Dishonest communication with co-workers or customers
  • Insubordination
  • Substandard work performance

When deciding whether or not to issue an employee write-up form, ask yourself if the offense is something that could have been prevented had the employee followed company policy or if it’s a one-time mistake. If it’s something that could have been controlled, then it’s probably worth discussing with the employee about their behavior. However, a warning may be sufficient if it’s a one-time mistake. Repeated offenses of the exact nature may warrant harsher penalties such as suspension or termination of employment.

Below are tips on how to fill out an employee write-up form:

  1. Date of Incident: Include the date (or dates) on which the incident(s) occurred. This will help you keep track of when things happen and maybe vital if you need to refer back to this write-up at a later date.
  2. Time of Incident: If applicable, include the time at which the incident occurred. This is especially important if you have employees who work different shifts.
  3. Location of Incident: Include where the incident took place. This is important for identifying potential witnesses and determining if security footage is available.
  4. Witness Names and Contact Information: Include the names and contact information of witnesses who saw what happened. These people can serve as valuable resources if you need more information about what transpired.
  5. Employee Name: Be sure to include the name of the employee being written up. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget when dealing with a lot of paperwork!
  6. Violation(s) Committed: Clearly state what policy or rule was violated by the employee’s actions.
  7. Description of Incident: Include as many details about what happened as possible
  8. Signature lines for Employee and Manager: Have the employee sign and date the write-up to acknowledge that they’ve received it and they understand what they did wrong
  9. Corrective Action Taken / Proposed Action: If applicable, include what disciplinary Action was taken (e.g., verbal warning, written warning) or what mActionve you plan to take (e.g., probationary period).
  10. Additional Comments: Use this space to include any other information that you think is relevant (e.g., previous incidents involving this employee).

Completing an employee write-up form can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to fill out this form quickly and efficiently to get back to running your business. Keep in mind that the purpose of this form is not to punish employees but to help them understand where they went wrong and how they can improve in future interactions with co-workers and customers alike.

Use our Free Employee Write-Up Form Template for your use at your business. Utilize it as is, or edit it as the needs of your company call for.