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How To Create Engaging Hr Videos For Employees

How to Create Engaging HR Videos for Employees

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Hr Videos For Employees

Videos on human resources (HR) are made to assist businesses in managing and enhancing employee performance. Topics, including onboarding, training, development, and communication, are frequently covered in these films.

HR experts may guarantee that everyone knows the organization’s expectations and goals by providing employees with this kind of assistance.

HR videos can also be utilized to address particular workplace issues that might come up.

However, your video needs to stand out and capture viewers’ attention; otherwise, there is a strong likelihood that your staff will miss it.

Fortunately, there are a few easy measures you can take to make sure your HR video is exciting and valuable.

The necessity of an HR video and how to make an interesting one will be discussed in this article.

Why Should Your Organization Use HR Videos?

Human Resources videos are utilized for communicating and engaging employees on various subjects. They can be used to do the following:

How to Create an Engaging HR Video

You’ll need to include a few crucial components to make your HR video engaging.

Step 1: Select a Video Topic

Before beginning recording, choosing the subject for your video is crucial.

What would you like to emphasize?

The demands of the organization will determine the subjects for HR films.

Onboarding new employees, managing employee performance, and enhancing leadership abilities are among the themes that are frequently discussed.

Once you’ve chosen a topic, ensure it supports your overarching corporate objectives.

Step 2: Prepare the Script

It’s time to start composing the script for your video once you’ve chosen a subject. You’ll begin to develop what you want to say and how you want to convey it.

Ensure the movies are brief and to the point—two minutes is excellent.

Be mindful of your audience and what will appeal to them. To ensure everyone can comprehend the language, make it as clear and straightforward as possible.

Here are some suggestions for organizing the script:

  • Start with an attention-grabbing, impactful opener.
  • Clearly describe the video’s aim and provide material your employees will find relevant and helpful.
  • Use eye-catching images and graphics to support your arguments.
  • Finish with the main points.

Step 3: Select the Appropriate Video Style

Now that you have a screenplay, it’s time to consider the look and feel of your video.

Do you want it to be playful or serious? Entertaining or illuminating?

Your video’s tone and style should be consistent with the main idea and message you want to get across.

Step 4: Edit the Video

A compelling HR video is primarily made through the video editing process.

This is the point at which you may begin personalizing the video and making it your own.

Many online video editors are available; even beginners may use them because of their user-friendly interface.

To make your video stand out, you can use these tools to edit a video online and add visual components like graphics or animation.

Additionally, a video editing tool can help you keep your video brief and to the point—two minutes is excellent.

This will ensure that your staff is attentive during the entire video.

Step 5: Include Attractive Visuals

Your video’s visual components should be considered in addition to the actual content.

After all, an aesthetically beautiful video will be more likely to be watched and remembered.

How can you guarantee that your video is captivating and visually appealing?

Here are some tips for including visuals:

  • Use only top-notch video and graphics.
  • Keep your videos brief and to the point—two minutes is excellent.
  • Use eye-catching images, such as infographics or animation
  • Ensure the video’s overall aesthetic and tone are consistent with your brand.

With online video editors, visuals can be added simply because they provide a user-friendly interface for even beginner video editors.

Step 6: Use a Catchy Headline

Before uploading your HR video, the last thing you need to do is create an attention-grabbing headline.

Make it count because this is the first thing viewers will see when they come across your video.

Make sure the headline is clear and straightforward, and try to utilize keywords that appropriately reflect the substance of your video.

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Tips for Making Employee-Interesting HR Videos

Following these tips will enable you to develop a high-quality and enjoyable HR video if you’re trying to make one.

Tip 1: Make it Brief and to the Point

The last thing you need is a lengthy, tedious HR video. Concentrating on the main ideas you want to get over can make your film engaging and concise.

Tip 2: Make Fun

Making your HR video more entertaining can be accomplished by including some humor. But be careful—using it excessively can come off as unprofessional.

Tip 3: Be Innovative

Make your HR video unique by using creative audio and visual elements. This will aid in drawing in viewers and maintaining their interest throughout the video.

Tip 4: Share a Story

Storytelling is an effective technique that can emotionally engage listeners. Try to use a relatable tale that will connect with your audience while creating your HR video.

Tip 5: Add a Call to Action

Your HR video should conclude with a compelling call to action that urges viewers to act after watching. Visit your website or sign up for email updates could be examples of the action.

The Advantages of Having an Interesting HR Video

Having an interesting HR video for your employees has several advantages.

One benefit is that it might aid in luring in and keeping top talent. Your staff will learn more about the culture and values of your business via an interesting film.

A compelling HR film can also raise staff motivation and morale, increasing output.

Finally, a well-produced HR film may be a potent marketing tool that aids in spreading awareness of your brand.


It’s time to start making an engaging HR video now that you know how to do it. Make a video using the advice in this article to help your company recruit and keep excellent personnel.

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