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With 29 years of human resources and leadership development experience, John’s passion for setting contributors and companies up for success is still going strong. John is a keynote for US and International Conferences where he shares content and thoughts on leadership, collaboration, and innovation, employee success, organizational design, and development as well as inclusion and diversity. John is, also, the proud dad of three amazing young adults. John founded Humareso to strategize with companies to develop plans to manage talent, recruit for skills gaps based on employee inventories, assess markets for growth, develop long-range succession plans and influence a culture of enthusiastic buy-in.

The 2012 Delaware Valley (Philadelphia Metropolitan Area) HR Person of the Year!

What you can expect to learn:

  • Tips for finding your HR niche
  • Time to differentiate between informational HR & personal HR
  • How to grow your list of clients with strategic business development

Join the top HR consultants for this incredible opportunity to hear how John has built Humariso.

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John Baldino
John Baldino

John is President of Humareso. He has a passion for helping HR leaders find success.

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Ryan Naylor

Ryan is the founder of VIVAHR. He has helped over 100k people find jobs through his company.