I can honestly say many of my best moment in business have come from the process of learning from others through books. It hasn’t always been the words on the page that I copy/paste into my business, it’s the creative juices these books start. Taking the insights from the worlds best business minds and creatively finding where it applies into your business can help you avoid major pit falls.
Here are my favorite books to read in 2017. Some are classic business best sellers, some are new. Hope you enjoy. Am I missing some great ones? Comment below of your favorite.
Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses by Joe Pulizzi

Content continues to be the power of marketing in 2017. If you are wanting to separate your self as a thought leader in your industry, you’ll need to create stellar content. Joe’s book helps you look at your business differently. Build your audience, then develop a strategy to sell to your audience.